Yahoo's Customer Care

Published in category Opinion
on Christian Mayer's Weblog.

Some of my videos I uploaded in Oct 2013 to Flickr are showing only This videos is being processed. First I thought ok, give them some time to process. But now it’s Jun 2014 and these videos are still not processed.

This videos is being processed

In Oct 2013 I contacted the Yahoo Customer Care service. I filled-out a form for a new issue.

In your message please include
- A description of the problem that you're experiencing:
Can't download the original video.
- The URL of a page where you're having a problem:[...]
"Your video is being processed" - but nothing happens.
If you click on "Download this video" I'll be forwarded to[...]
"Page Not Found"
- Your Flickr account name:
Flash: Flash V:11.9.900 D:Shockwave Flash 11.9 r900
Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
  Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36

I got an answer of a standard procedure:

Response Via Email (Chloe) 10/25/2013 06:23 AM
Hello Christian,
Thank you for being a Yahoo user since 2008. We appreciate you choosing to use Yahoo and truly hope you continue to use Flickr, and Mail, as you have been. [...]
Here are the most common things that you can check to resolve this:
- Clearing cache [...]
- If you are using Firewall and/or virus software, try turning this off [...]
If you are already using the most current version of your browser, then you may need to clear your browser's cache and cookies in order to improve its performance. [...]
For your reference, here's how you may download your videos:
Go to the video's page. Click Actions | Download original file. Click OK when prompted.

If you write to a help desk service you always must consider that you got such an email in first instance. So I did what the email said: I cleared the cache, deleted all cookies, disabled Adblocker, tried all browsers. But nothing worked. I still didn’t got my video back. It didn’t work so I wrote an answer:

From: Christian Mayer <>
To: Yahoo Customer Care <>
> For your reference, here's how you may download your videos
I clicked on "Download this video". **Like I wrote it in my first email.**
See the screenshots in the attachment.
I cleared my cache.
I tried it on Firefox and Chrome.
I disabled the Adblocker.
I tried it with HTTP and HTTPS.
But it doesn't work. I even can't download the original file. Does this
mean I lost this video?
What does "Your video is being processed" mean? I uploaded this video on
2013-10-23. How long can a 25 MB file take to "process"? What do
you do with 250MB files? Do they take several month to process?
Br, Christian

One of the screenshots I attached was from the direct download URL when you click Download original file:

Page Not Found

I got the following answer:

Response Via Email (Jonny) 10/25/2013 09:23 AM
Hi Christian, [...]
To reset Safari back to default settings:
Open your Safari browser.
Click Safari | Reset Safari. A warning dialog will now appear detailing the items that will be removed. Click Reset.
Your Safari browser will now restart automatically.
Resetting your browser should correct any issues that the browser is having. If this does not resolve your issue, we recommend either contacting Safari support or using another Yahoo supported browser.

Why should I reset Safari when they know that I’m using Chrome? However, I followed the instructions and tried it with Safari. But it was no problem with my browsers. If there would be a problem with my browsers I would have discovered that in the first place. I answered:

published_at: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:32:08 +0200
From: Christian Mayer <>
To: Yahoo Customer Care <>
Are you kidding me?
There is NO problem with my browser(s).
There is a problem with Flickr. I can't download the original video from[...]
It says "Page Not Found". But the video exists on your server. I uploaded
it successfully.

I know that the video was uploaded successfully because I used the API. This video was not the only I successfully uploaded via the API.

From Flickr:

Response Via Email (Joshua) 10/25/2013 12:21 PM
Hello, [...]
For me to help you with this issue I will need a direct URL to the video you are trying to download so that I can properly troubleshoot this issue for you.
If you have any other questions, please let me know. I am always happy to help.
Thank you again for contacting Flickr.
Regards, Rixen

So I sent them the direct URL to the video — again. I got the following answer:

Response Via Email (Elliot) 10/25/2013 06:16 PM
Hello Christian, [...]
I was able to replicate the issue you described and have passed the information on to our engineering team for triaging. They will be taking over at this point and work on a resolution of the issue. While we cannot tell you when the problem will be fixed, we greatly appreciate your help and patience in this matter. [...]
Regards, Elliot

Ok, nice. That sounds pretty promising. So I was patient and waited.

5 days after the conversation I got another email on 2013-10-29:

From: "Yahoo Customer Care" <>
published_at: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 18:22:38 -0700 (PDT)
Don't worry, I didn't forget about your issue. It's just taking longer than
usual to resolve. I will definitely let you know about any progress.
Warm regards, Yahoo Customer Care

Another email arrived at 2013-11-01:

From: "Yahoo Customer Care" <>
published_at: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 18:22:33 -0700 (PDT)
I am really sorry it is taking longer than usual to resolve the issue.
I just wanted to let you know that we are working hard on it. We do not have
an estimate on when we will resolve it. But I will definitely let you know
as soon as I have more information.
All the best, Yahoo Customer Care

After that email one month nothing happened. So acted:

From: Christian Mayer <>
To: Yahoo Customer Care <>
published_at: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 13:29:17 +0100
What's going on? This is over a month ago an the video still doesn't work.
Can't watch the original video. Can't download the original video.

But no answer from Yahoo Customer Care. After over 3 weeks later I wrote again:

From: Christian Mayer <>
To: Yahoo Customer Care <>
published_at: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 16:04:27 +0100
I still can't download the original video.

But again — no answer from the help service. Until today (2014-06-18) I didn’t got any response or any further information about this issue.


They don’t care. It seems that my video is lost in space. As I said before: don’t use Flickr.

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About the Author

Christian is a professional software developer living in Vienna, Austria. He loves coffee and is strongly addicted to music. In his spare time he writes open source software. He is known for developing automatic data processing systems for Debian Linux.