Travis CI describes itself as:
[…] is a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community. It is integrated with GitHub and offers first class support for C, C++, Java, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, […]
And many more languages.
I’m looking for a service like Travis CI. But Travis is limited to 50 100 builds in the free version. For a one-man-company like me it’s not lucrative to pay for a service like Travis. Since I push only in irregular intervals to GitHub. So I need to use a free service with unlimited builds, because I make no money with my open source software on GitHub.
Update, 2014-06-08: Now your first 100 builds are free.
Update, 2014-10-13: Ok, I got it wrong. I asked in the IRC channel (Freenode #travis) what’s the phrase
Free for open source projects, always!
Your first 100 builds are free!
on the plans page means.
Following response: vs
.org is free for OSS, .com is the pay stuff
So I’m looking forward to use Travis CI for my open source projects.